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Tig Haus


  • 4 x Snapware 8-cup plastic food storage containers

  • 0.2 um filtered seawater (FSW)

  • Tigriopus californicus

  • Reed Mariculture Instant Algae Shellfish Diet 1800

  • Plastic pipette

  • Additional container

  • Power drill w/ 3/16" drill bit



  1. Drill 3/16" hole in corner of the container lids.

    • For ventilation.

    • About the size to allow an aquarium  airline joint through, in case we want to run an airline in the future.

  2. Wash containers and ​lids. Tap water, no soap. Rinse with FSW.​

  3. Add 0.75 L FSW to each container.

  4. Add 0.5 mL of Shellfish Diet to each container and mix into FSW.

  5. Transfer ~100 mating pairs of tigs to additional container with FSW.

    1. Transfer step is to help prevent tiny nauplii from being transferred and to limit the algae being transferred to the Tig Haus.​

    2. Mating pairs chosen to help ensure reproduction will occur quickly and initial sex ratios are about even.

  6. Add 5 pairs at a time to Tig Hauses in a random order until reaching a total of 25 pairs per Haus.

  7. Add 20 males from original stock to transfer container to "wash."​

    1. This is to increase genetic diversity - the main tig culture was established from ~15 mating pairs from original stock.​

  8. Add 5 males to each Tig Haus in same random order.​

  9. Repeat with females from original stock.

  10. In a similar fashion, add 7 male and 8 female tigs from main stock to each Tig Haus.

  11. Total tigs per Tig Haus = 75

  12. Cover tigs, expose to ambient or 12/12-hr light-dark cycle.

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